by • Uploaded: Jun. 01 '07 - Gallerized: Aug. '07


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Description: Pronounced [ve-seel], VESSEL is a group of cosmetic surgeons. The concept of the logo was to convey incompleteness. The surgeons role was to help the patient obtain their vision of completeness. I know it's trite and pretty vain, but I think the logo turned out pretty good.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 10153

Lets Discuss

senterbrands Jun. 01 '07

I happen to like the incomplete feel to this. It has balance, form and function. Nice job.

dache Jun. 01 '07

I dont really understand the accent on the %22e%22. Is it perhaps vess%E9l or vess%E8l? I like how you cut the 2 %22s%22s

Craven91 Jun. 01 '07

First off, you are a bad salesman. Why even label this trite? Or are you finshing for compliments?%0D*%0D*I can see your concept here. I think it works. Don't piss on your design before others have had a chance to look it over. That shows no confidence.%0D*%0D*Green represents life, growth and a new start, which is what this company offers by %22completing%22 the person.%0D*%0D*I look at this in a positive way, even after reading your explanation.%0D*%0D*%0D*And senterbrands, what is the function here? I'd be interested to hear you expand on this.

kaimere Jun. 01 '07

lol ... i think dude was saying the clients self description was trite ... since he say he thinks the logo turned out pretty good ....

senterbrands Jun. 01 '07

%22The concept of the logo was to convey incompleteness%22...the incomplete balance of the logo achieves the goals of the mark the client wanted.

willuper Jun. 01 '07

The meaning of the accent is to simply establish uniqueness. They wanted it to have a European feel, hence the pronunciation.

willuper Jun. 01 '07

Oh yeah . . .**'kaimere' is right my problem was with the client, not the design. I did respect the passion they had and the self worth they got out of what they do. I just don't agree with the casual attitude, and over abundance, of cosmetic surgery these days.

dreamerworx Jun. 01 '07

So clean and organic :) Nice job!!!

waltermurray Jun. 02 '07

Nice execution and overall result. Just wanted to know if this logo will always sit on a green background with the gradient, If not what does it look like on white?

willuper Jun. 03 '07

Never really went too far past b%26w but I decided to play with some colors before I posted it. I thought it would be nice to see it laser cut out of a metal or thick cardstock business card or some letterhead.**%3Cimg src%3D%22

Craven91 Jun. 04 '07

Oh I got it now - it was a burn on the client. I got confused for a minute.%0D*%0D*I like the b/w version willuper.

waltermurray Jun. 05 '07

I like this and I think it would look slick in metal. Hey I used Flux and tweaked it a bit for Copro. Thanks for the comment.

Ubikweb Jun. 06 '07

Simple but sophisticated. Cool logo!

Thomas Jun. 07 '07

So classy and sophisticated! Wonderful!

leorosaborges Aug. 28 '07

This is really nice. Lovely execution, lovely colors.

brandsimplicity Aug. 28 '07

Great concept and design!

qmanning Aug. 28 '07

I like it in general, but think there's just TOO much gestalt going on here. My eye has a hard time focusing on anything, and i get fatigued looking at it. Can't remember the last time that happened looking at a logo :p

bpotstra Aug. 29 '07

Excellent type solution here. Well done!

willuper Aug. 30 '07

Thanks everyone.**I'm just happy to have it featured.

esotericsean Sep. 02 '07

very nice, i could easily see an animation of this.

mellr Feb. 27 '08



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