Bridges Pub & Eatery IV

by • Uploaded: Jun. 01 '11 - Gallerized: Jun. '11


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Description: Another version of this logo, with a slight arch between the D and the G, as suggested by logoboom. Good idea, thanks for the suggestion!
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 7968

Lets Discuss

vergad Jun. 01 '11

yes! i like this version better. nice one!

action Jun. 12 '11

%5E You can't see differences or why you show us the old version?*And, Stefan, this one is really good, better than old version :)

wonk Jun. 13 '11

Thanks again for the gallery entry comments floats!*Haha thanks Paul :)

wonk Jun. 13 '11

OK, so plus signs don't seem to work in the comments. Gotta remember that. It's supposed to say %22gallery entry plus comments plus floats%22.

herbyderby Jun. 13 '11

I actually like both the first with the bridge illy and this one a great deal. They both speak %22pub and eatery%22 nicely.**Maybe make %22Bridges%22 red like the bridge was? Keep the other text the gray?**Beautifully done.

wonk Jun. 14 '11

The site feels faster than before, so whatever it is you're doing, it's working :)

creativelephant Jun. 14 '11

In love with this typeface! What is it??

wonk Jun. 14 '11

Thanks Chris, it's called Caecilia.

JcArtwork Jul. 10 '11

like how you bridged the two letters together, cool


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