by • Uploaded: Jun. 28 '11


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Description: Another different angle. Going for the mascot look. Client sells and makes items out of stainless steel and wanted a rhino as the business' icon.
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 2103

Lets Discuss

yelds Jun. 28 '11

Having some trouble combining the text element to the icon. Client requested them to be joined.

lumavine Jun. 29 '11

Maybe if the whole thing was like a metal plate, with the text and rhino both on it? I really love the white highlights in the rhino, and I would add even more of that around the horns. Really nice work! This concept seems a bit more appealing to me, especially if they are like some of the metal shops I have seen that often do work for custom motorcycles and cars, as well as industrial and commercial work.

yelds Jun. 29 '11

Thanks for the input lumavine. I have updated it with more highlights and done an idea to merge the text and icon into one fluid image.


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