Ka veikia vaikai? (what teens are up to?)

by • Uploaded: Jun. 02 '15 - Gallerized: Jun. '15


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Description: Ka veikia vaikai? (mean. what teens are up to). Logo for a forum, which educates parents of the teens if parents don't know what to do if they spotted their kid started using drugs, drinking alcohol etc. The idea was to combine speech bubble with a face in the negatvie space.
As seen on: dribbble
Status: Client work
Viewed: 7396
Tags: face speech bubble kids

Lets Discuss

younique Jun. 03 '15

Thank You a lot, Lumavine :)

younique Jun. 04 '15

wow! so excited both of You guys commented on this. Thanks a lot, logoholik! :)

luberadesign Jun. 04 '15

Nice! I realize you're trying to make the 'eye' appear secondary with your color choice, but I wonder what it would look like in the same color as your quote box? It seems to kind of float around on it's own as it currently. Great concept.

younique Jun. 04 '15

luberadesign, thanks for a suggestion. I really thought about it, and it was done, but somehow it was too boring for a main version (if this is the right expression).. Anyways, there is an existing one colour version also, in the mini brandbook :) Thanks for your comment and the support!

MirbachDesign Jul. 02 '19

well deserved ... was overdue ... b))


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