Local shop that has the best fresh seafood daily. They are famous for their live unshucked oysters and fish and chips. New owners have taken over and this is what they will be calling it. I just hope they can maintain the reputation!
Mark consists of fish and oyster.
Client work
Lets Discuss
this is really shapen up, Chanpion. love the look and feel to it. It'll make a great seafood style design.
ReplyAn excellent logo, the color scheme looks mysterious :)
ReplyBrilliant. Love both the mark and the type
ReplyThis is engaging. Love the feel.
ReplyGreat work here.
ReplyThanks everyone!
Replythis one is coollllllllllllll:)
Replygreat work
ReplyReally engaging piece! It'll definitely trigger potential customer's curiosity walking in front of this restaurant in my opinion.
ReplyGreat style!
Replygreat mark and colors Chanpion
ReplyThis got some interesting feel to it.*Great one!
ReplyAmazing work. Really cool!
ReplyThanks again everyone for all the compliments. I showed the client and they were very pleased.
ReplyGreat style!
ReplyNice style & colors
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