
by • Uploaded: Dec. 17 '07


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Description: A friend has asked me to revamp their logo for a while but since they are your buddies, you sort of never get around to it. ya know what I mean guys? I've worked this owl on and off for a while now and have tried to use this for another job but I feel it more suitable for this purpose. Its for a refrigeration repair business. Well, thats it for me for this year. I'm quitting design for a couple of weeks. Spend some time with wife and kid on Daydream Island. Have a bloody great Xmas everyone. Cheers.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3888

Lets Discuss

ahab Dec. 17 '07

This is very cooool.**To me, the stroke on the owl feels a bit heavy. This is nice nontheless.**Have a great Xmas!

firebrand Dec. 17 '07

Nice Owl, Chan. *Merry Chrimbo, mate. Daydream Island eh? Lucky bstd.

Type08 Nov. 04 '11

Did a bunch of owl-themed logos recently, love the simplicity ova here!


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