kwgallery v2

by • Uploaded: Jan. 10 '08 - Gallerized: Jan. '08


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Description: The client didn't mind the rose but insisted on a ribbon incorporating her initials. Ribbons are used alot in her business for all her gift packaging. One of her tradmarks I guess. This got the final nod.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 10189

Lets Discuss

Flant Jan. 10 '08

this is b**dy nice Chanpion!!

Flant Jan. 10 '08

Hey Chanpion, you on the Gold Coast?

koodoz Jan. 10 '08

Love your work Chanpion!!

ryantoyota Jan. 10 '08

Perfect. This turned out awesomely.

rambal Jan. 10 '08

nice... more like gift oriented....

Thomas Jan. 11 '08

Excellent work on the mark Chan! I really like the fluidity, the movement you put in the ribbon. A superb flow! Congratulations.

firebrand Jan. 11 '08

Great solution Chan. You've got ribbons all wrapped up.

admarcbart Jan. 22 '08

Very cool Chan. Nice work my friend!

chanpion Jan. 22 '08

Thanks everyone! Funny thing was, this was the original direction I took but went a full circle and came back to this one instead. Another hidden suprise I sprung on the client was the mark also represented a 'dragon'. The client was born in the year of the Dragon. I drew the initial ribbon horizontally in 2d with the tail much longer but that was when I gave the idea up and started on another one. The client was utterly bowled over. Cheers all.

frontend Jan. 23 '08

first impression: toilet paper*second impression: looks cool

grubedoo Jan. 25 '08

Both the %22kwgallery%22 font and the ribbon initials are nice but I don't think they work together.


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