New World Bank

by • Uploaded: Oct. 04 '07 - Gallerized: Oct. '07


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Description: A proposed but rejected design. Oh well.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 9589

Lets Discuss

OcularInk Oct. 04 '07

Clever, clever, clever. One thought, though. The icon is very overpowering in relation to the type. You still the man, CHAN!!! LOL!! What about a bold serif font?

mcdseven Oct. 04 '07

chan 'ya make me want to be a better graphic designer'...but will stop designing nice logos yer making me depressed!!!!!!!! Agree with Kev on the type...great mark...yes Chan you is the man...

sandhya Oct. 04 '07

strong mark, not so strong type! i like the color shift from the usual blues and reds.**Nice work!

chanpion Oct. 04 '07

Damn! I guess thats why it was rejected. Aligning the tyoe to the mark is one of my bad habits : (%0D*%0D*Thanks anyways guys.

nido Oct. 04 '07

oh well.. hey maybe if you change the 'B' to an 'O' we can make ourselves some t-shirts %26 start a mutiny on logopond...

ahab Oct. 07 '07

Very nice and very strong. Screw the client!

gsimd Oct. 09 '07

Chanpion - I'd like to discuss hiring you for some design work. Please get in touch with me at**Thanks,*Michael


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