labelshop v2

by • Uploaded: Feb. 17 '08


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Description: WIP. Second concept I am quite happy with. This version incorporated the type and mark together but still has the 'L'. Comments welcome.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3590

Lets Discuss

firebrand Feb. 17 '08

This one's great Chan! The L isn't quite so apparent...not that it matters at all.

evancalkins Feb. 18 '08

I like this a lot. Great job!

steve-oc Feb. 18 '08

The idea works, but you should leave out the yellow background - just present it on white - as it drains the colours. I'd maybe like to see the peeling aspect affect the type a little and be from the corner rather than straight.*

chanpion Feb. 18 '08

Thanks folks for the feedback. I see what you guys mean. I'll keep working on it.

Type and Signs Sep. 21 '11

straight forward ... clean concept !!!!


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