
by • Uploaded: Apr. 22 '08 - Gallerized: Apr. '08


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Description: Proposed design for a internet communications product providing absolute secure (cryptographic) connection between two points.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 14909

Lets Discuss

nido Apr. 22 '08

C(hampions) L(eague)... ?.. wishfull thinking mate %3B)

reddskinn Apr. 22 '08

It is very clean. nice work!

Hayes Image Apr. 22 '08

Yeah, I'm liking it :)

firebrand Apr. 22 '08

Cool. Reminds me of that game, Solitaire. Up the Reds!

chanpion Apr. 23 '08

Thanks for the comments all. and damn you nido %3B%5E(

awnstudio Apr. 24 '08

Are you interested in doing a logo for me.

chanpion Apr. 24 '08

Thanks everyone. Mr Conrad how dare you post pro ManU comments on here! (just joshing mate, pity about the draw tho %3B%5E)) but we all know that the Liverbird is gonna fly away with the trophy right.%0D*%0D*I will email you shortly Mr Awn. Thanks for your interest.

bartodell Apr. 25 '08

In Chan's defense... there are literally hundreds on logolounge for example of this style. Not saying anything against you Chan.

bartodell Apr. 25 '08

630 On logolounge to be exact. :)

chanpion Apr. 25 '08

Thats ok guys. I'm sure Benjamin here didn't mean any harm, and the rest of you are right. I've also used this dot style on several of my other logos. But more importantly to me, the concept behind it is what carries it off. Its the encryption and decryption factor that I was trying to convey and the shape of the cross being a safe/no-harm incon.%0D*%0D*Nevertheless, if Benjamin here had said the 'R' word in my face, I still would've clipped him over the head %3B%5E)

OcularInk Apr. 26 '08

What up, Chan-da. I didn't even notice the cross reference. Boy, am I slow. Nice one, dude.

benjancewicz Apr. 26 '08

Forgive me for the R-word, perhaps that was too harsh.**Don't get me wrong%3B yours IS better, especially with the C and L hidden inside... but the similarities are too many too pass up... the colours, the linking... down to the number of dots and a similar enough choice of font.

AlexWende May. 02 '08

Yes there are many of this style out there in the www... but this concept fits the product very well! Besides that I especially like how you put the safety aspect into this, another gr8 work!


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