Here is the final version of the logo for my mom, who makes felted clothing, toys and footwear. The mark made from her initials to combine a lamb's head.
Client work
Lets Discuss
Super! Lots of love went into this for sure.
ReplyThanks Luma, I appreciate your kind words :)%0D*%0D*And thanks for the floats guys!
ReplyLabai grazu!
Replyfeeling this!
ReplyOu, Excellent monogramm)
Replyfeautured matto gallery?
Replycant see the lambs head?*
Reply%5Eit's facing to the right. The D makes the face. The main part of the G is the ear. The curly stuff on the top left is the start of its wooly back.
ReplyShaunuole! Graziai padirbeta :)
ReplyThanks to everyone! My mom is happy to see her name on the first page :D
Replymiela, grazu :)
Replywhats the fonts used?
ReplyGiedriau, aciu!%0D*dean_brown, it is Colaborate
ReplyI see lamb very clever!
ReplySheip klausimelis. O Ar yra skirtumas jei sukkeiciamos vietos inicialu? Ta prasme turetu DG buti, o pas aves logo skaitosi GD? Ar tu manai, kad tai teisingas sprendimas?
ReplyAgenicja, thank you :)%0D*Tomai, del sito teko pamastyt, bet siuo atveju ideja yra pavaizduoti inicialus, monograma ir avies galva. Isdestymas nera svarbus :)
ReplyGal tiesiog galima %22Goldbergienė Daiva%22 ir viskas stos F vietas :%5D**
Replyi dont want to comment as this work was done for ur mom ...
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