Logo for carpenters enterprise. A historical men on the wood plank.
Client work
Lets Discuss
This looks awesome Matto. I love it.
ReplyLooks great - love the mark style.
Replythis is perfect to me
ReplyThank you guys! Means a lot!
Replygood symbol
Replysveikas, matau cia ir lietuviu yra ir dar is uzdarbio forumo :)
ReplyVery nice. How does it look in B%26W?
Reply@ gizm0. Thank you!%0D*%0D*@ Matukas. Labas, yra yra, dar surasi bent kelis ir be manes %3B)%0D*%0D*@ cseven. Thanks, it looks good by changing grey tones a little bit after desaturating :)
ReplyVery nice concept. Reminds me of one of Logomotive's logos though -
Replyvery cool
Replyit looks better with this background! :D
Replymatto, gal tu supranti, kaip tavo logotipas pateko F LP Gallery, o pvz mano meta y bendra?
ReplyGreat color and texture overall...very nice!
ReplyLove the wood texture in the logo! Cool mark!
ReplyStill like the style and feeling of this very much. Little masterpiece.
Replyvery great
Reply@Matto love this logo, really nice and worth of winning the constest!**@Matukas, tik geriausi darbai patenka i LP Gallery.
ReplyGreat texture
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