I love Isla Mujeres

by • Uploaded: May. 31 '11


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Description: Inspired in the traditional wildlife and customs of Quintana Roo (Mexico) the gorvernment decided to develop 7 logos to show the love we have for our state / Inspirados en las vida silvestre y las costumbres de Quintana Roo (Mexico) el gobierno decidió desarrollar una serie de 7 logos para demostrar el amor que tenemos por nuestro estado.
Status: Client work
Viewed: 5663

Lets Discuss

JF May. 31 '11

Love this style (the %22parts style%22). I really hope this gets used someday.

contrast8 May. 31 '11

also like this, but personaly would be using different collors

rubeespejo May. 31 '11

Me gusta muchisimo!

Front: Jun. 01 '11

We really enjoyed the process of designing this logo series of %22i love%22. It was a hard challenge, so that we appreciate your comments very much.

THEArtistT Jun. 01 '11

hate the yellow background, but love, love the mark.

Front: Jun. 02 '11

Actually i hate the yellow backround too. My mistake.


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