
by • Uploaded: Feb. 16 '09 - Gallerized: May. '09


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Description: Personal rebranding (at last!) Fógra is the Irish Gaelic for 'warning', 'notice' or 'attention'...kinda like achtung really, except Irish. It's pronounced "fo-gra" btw :)
Status: Client work
Viewed: 15608

Lets Discuss

penflare Feb. 16 '09

this is a timeless logotype, great job sean**cheers!*sean

abgd Feb. 16 '09

I like how u manipulated the type :) If u did at all. %0D*Did you use upside down L to make an F? and an O and reflected/rotated C to make a g? If u did, then I think u need to moce C a bit down it's too much into O. Try it I donno if it will look better, but just try and see, i guess. It kinda bothers me looking at it ritenow, seems like it needs to be fixed. %0D*%0D*Try using that accent on O as a slanting bar on R (by using P) that way u can move A closer to R to fix that gap?%0D*%0D*I hope u dont mind.:)%0D*%0D*xoxoxox

logomotive Feb. 16 '09

Hey Sean congrats of your brand, I'll be honest have not quite figured this one out yet. Is this the final? or still working on it? I'm %22on the fence%22 this point, but jealous your way closer than I am :-)

cerise Feb. 16 '09

I like the Gaelic feel to it...that deserves a Guiness

Type08 Feb. 17 '09

Achtung, achtung! Sean's got a new brand! :)

fogra Feb. 17 '09

Thanks for the feedback guys and to 'abgd' for your thoughts - I will take your advice and upload an updated version soon.

logoholik Feb. 18 '09

SO much character. Excellent.

crislabno Mar. 06 '09

lovely work my friend, as always

Art Machine Mar. 06 '09

This really has style and character. The **g** seems too large though. And I don't think the acute(or breve) needs another color.

fogra Mar. 06 '09

@Bojan and Cris: Thanks for your kind support guys.*@Julian: Thanks. I really needed someone to confirm those things to me as I wasn't too sure about it myself. I will have another go at it.

epsilon Apr. 04 '09

This is definitely a unique and memorable wordmark. Well done.

fogra Apr. 04 '09

Thanks guys :) I'm still not happy with the 'g' though.

sarodway Apr. 17 '09

nice nice nice!! What's the typeface??

fogra Apr. 17 '09

Cheers. It's my own customised type based loosely on Optima.

JustCreativeDesign May. 01 '09

First saw this logo on your Twitter avatar, got my attention straight away. Really like it, good job Sean!

Gaturro May. 07 '09

is there a caricature at the O and the G? eyebrow, eyes and nose...?

fogra May. 07 '09

@JustCreativeDesign: Thank you.*@Gaturro: Oh, I see what you wasn't intentional though :)

alto May. 23 '09

Nice! Love the type and regal colors!

itsgareth May. 23 '09

yeah, the colours are great!

fogra May. 23 '09

Thank you, Mel and Gareth. I am using these colours on my website which will be going live this coming week.

sebastiany May. 25 '09

I nice all type logo is rare to see, and much more difficult than building a symbol. Thumbs up dude!

fogra May. 25 '09

Wow, thanks guys and thank you David for the gallery spot.

rudy hurtado May. 25 '09

Really good Sean, nice brand, Sl%E1inte!!

logomotive May. 25 '09

Sean, you must have made some changes? Before I did not see your self portrait %3BP. Now I seem to see it clearly. a self logoportrait. Like the lighting also, Good job.

fogra May. 25 '09

@Rudy: Thanks, you have good Irish language skills too %3B)*@Mike: Yeah thanks, I changed the colours slightly. It is kinda a self portrait but my nose ain't quite so big :P

itsgareth May. 25 '09

Well justified %26 deserved, Sean. Congratulations. Looking forward to seeing your new site.

mabu May. 25 '09

That's one sexy brand. Well done dude :-)

fogra May. 25 '09

Thank you Gareth, Mads and Joe :)

mcdseven May. 25 '09

Howdy Fogra, as a fellow Irishman and CI user %3B) I'm afraid I not liking this at all. While I dig the name and I while think its cool and brave to use gaelic I think the type is very weak, sorry dude, not meaning to sound harsh as I think your logo design are some of the best on this site. I think a lot more could be done maybe incorporate a modern twist on celtic art (not the stereotype derby O'Gill crap), especially into the G. Though as said I commend you for using gaelic, ya know the drill at home all the agencies have the usual cool names, the dynamoes, the Image now's, but I love to see Gaelic names especially Gaelic names with meaning, I love an%FA design in Tara, Co. Meath. Mick of CI with LiaF%E1il, Anyway my two cents....

terry bogard May. 25 '09

sweet elegance fogra!

fogra May. 25 '09

@mcdseven: The logo was meant to represent me, my personality, my style. I was the client in this case. I did not want to use celtic connotations in my personal logo because it wouldn't represent me as an individual. Sorry to disappoint you but I do also respect your opinion as much as everybody else :)*Thank you Terry also.

tconrad May. 25 '09

I'm afraid I think think this logo memorable for the same reasons as the new aNiMaL PlANeT logo. The weight is just really off. The counters for all the letters are off, the 'O' and 'g' are enormous, the 'A' is too small (although I like the reference too your heritage). The width of the R/A also aren't balancing well with the opposite side of the 'g'. A bit more finessing and I think it'll balance out a bit more.

cseven May. 25 '09

Hey Sean, I'm on the 'love it, don't change it' side of things - I've always liked this one and am stoked to see it make the gallery.

lboi May. 25 '09

I see the arched eyebrow, the spectacles, the nose and one beautiful type treatment! :-)

fogra May. 26 '09

@tconrad: Well I'm very happy with it and that's all that matters to me. Thank you for stating your concerns though.*@cseven: Thank you again Chris for your support.*@lboi: Thanks Sneh :)

TernaciousT May. 26 '09

Good job Sean. Hard to make a type logo stand out but this one really does it, saw the ghost of optima but you've made the type your own. Congrats

mcdseven May. 26 '09

at Fogra... jaysus not disappointed, look if your happy with it, brilliant, its hard to design for one self and be pleased with it. The celtic idea was only a suggestions nothing more. Anyway good luck and see ya around.

fogra May. 26 '09

Thank you folks :)

logoholik May. 26 '09

Achtung! It grows on me everyday i see it. It has become fantastic by now :)

OcularInk May. 26 '09

Sean, I think this is a fantastic start to a great logotype. A couple of things I noticed and agree with are the 'O' and 'G' seem too wide in comparison to the other letters. Either widen the 'F', 'R' and 'A' or reduce the width on the 'O' and 'G'. In addition, the breve/acute above the 'O' could move up just a few pixels as it seems too close to the 'O' at the moment. Just some small points to consider. Other than that, great! It has a strong and memorable presence.

fogra May. 26 '09

@logoholik: Thank you Bojan.*@OcularInk: Thanks Kevin. As far as I am concerned, this logo is complete. The character widths are based on the dimensions of other fonts and are therefore mathematically accurate except for the 'g' which is perfectly centered to give the overall logotype a balance. The accent over the 'O' is also equidistant when compared with the curve of the left side of the 'g'.

OcularInk May. 26 '09

Sometimes mathematics ain't enough. Visually, the character widths are off. If it were me, I'd fix it. But it's your logo. If you're happy with it, I'm happy. :-)

dbunk May. 26 '09

i think so too... 'O' and 'G' looks wider than the rest

fogra May. 26 '09

Let us all agree to disagree on this one, shall we?

nido May. 26 '09

i like this... clean %26 memorable enough... plus.. maybe its me.. didnt see it in your description but i see a face looking back at me with a raised eyebrow (the o %26 g)... nice work mate...

crislabno May. 26 '09

it was just a matter of time

theartistt May. 26 '09

sorry, I thought I had floated this a long time ago. error corrected. I've always loved this.

fogra May. 26 '09

Again, thanks guys for all your support.

janzabransky May. 26 '09

Timeless, beautyfull, memorable, with meaning, I like this much Sean, congratulations.

dbunk May. 26 '09

ok Boss agree to disagree......psst.....psst....but it does prick my eye

gold coast website design May. 28 '09

Looks like it is sagging slightly in the middle but otherwise excellent!

mcdseven Jun. 02 '09

ya know, i keep coming back to look at this every day, I dont know why? maybe because theres a spark of reminiscence of old gaelic signage, ya know the ones fogra, down the country they are still in place, and I like them signs but I have to admit this looks better every day I look at it and i fully appreciate now the hard graft ya put into it and theres me been an opinionated b*ll*x, so I say fair play this looks brilliant, it really does, I'll be keeping my eye out for your business card, Irelands a small place. Well done brother.

fogra Jun. 03 '09

%5E Ha! Thanks, Paul. I really do appreciate it. I still have to create my business cards yet though :)

fogra Jun. 30 '09

Thanks, Shaun :)

Type08 Sep. 05 '09

Gratz on feature buddy! Well deserved!

fogra Sep. 05 '09

Thank you for your support, Alen. Much appreciated.

charcoal Sep. 23 '09

Really like the freshness and creativity of your logo work, including this one!

magicshadow Nov. 05 '09

this logo is great %3B)

wizmaya Nov. 27 '09

Very nice. I love the type treatment. I think it's just perfect as it is.

bigoodis May. 27 '10

One of my favorite typographic logo :)

JoePrince Jul. 16 '10

I floated a long time ago, but this is awesome Sean.

fogra Jul. 17 '10

Thank you, Joe %26 All :)

fosterbarker Nov. 01 '10

Well thought out. Love the unity from the 'F' crossbar to the 'A' crossbar. Nice personal mark!

acmark Apr. 30 '12

nice type! love your gallery!


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