Rebel Church

by • Uploaded: Nov. 04 '10 - Gallerized: Nov. '10


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Description: Logo identity concept for new ministry outreach.
As seen on: Glitschka Studios
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 6153

Lets Discuss

mcdseven Nov. 05 '10

nice to see Glitschka's work on here! This is great, I can see a fish in the L, if this had been for a Catholic church they would have been delighted. regardless, fab piece.

janzabransky Nov. 05 '10

I vote for this shape. Maybe I would like it in steel blue of second concept instead of red. Red in combination with heavy metal typography seems to me too much agressive.

logocandy Nov. 05 '10

awesome keep it up:)

bilebo Nov. 15 '10

Nice to see you on here! Love this one. They turned it down if I remember correctly? %3D/

Mikeymike Nov. 15 '10

love the type on this one. nice job.

aillet Nov. 16 '10

I follow your blog, and I am a big fan of your work. Thanks for posting.

diego153 Nov. 22 '10

Nice work! Although i agree that the red/black makes it a bit agressive...


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