Crucified Creative

by • Uploaded: Oct. 01 '10 - Gallerized: Nov. '10


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Description: Logo for creative agency that helps ministries market themselves.
As seen on: Glitschka Studios
Status: Client work
Viewed: 7538

Lets Discuss

raja Oct. 01 '10

that is a big market - I get emails everyday to do that - now I can redirect them**clever spin on the thorns / C***

JackClabough Oct. 02 '10

The Thorns / C is clever. I expect that from Von. Visual impact is strong. Nice composition.

mcdseven Nov. 05 '10

thorn / c mark is well executed and clever. Would have loved to see a different option on the type.

Matto Nov. 16 '10

%5Eagree. It's really clever and well executed.

logotivity Nov. 16 '10

This looks like a TOOLER did it.. Just kidding, great concept.

lumavine Nov. 17 '10

Wow, great work! Very clear and clever concept. Good job Von.

diego153 Nov. 22 '10

Very clever concept and great excecution!

patrick Dec. 15 '10

Hey, sorry to say this but this is almost a copy of the logo that Gsus has. Its a dutch clothing brand but you probably already know that :)!**I see its work for a client, so I might suggest thinking that true a couple more times before you could get in troubles with that

logostage Dec. 27 '10

nice shape, i like it


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