Scurvy Sea Dog

by • Uploaded: Sep. 24 '10


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Description: Avatar design created for Upper Deck RPG game. (Circa 2006)
As seen on: GlitschkaStudios
Status: Client work
Viewed: 4571

Lets Discuss

glitschkastudios Sep. 24 '10

Sorry folks. I'm a moron and thought I could just delete image and update it but it deleted the post instead. This is now sized better for the environment.**Appreciate the previous comments though.

Hayes Image Sep. 24 '10

Arhh...Von's finally on the Pond...happy days :)**There is a way to re-upload an image without killing the comments%3B go to profile, click edit/delete, then click on the logo thumbnail (no the delete button) %26 then re-upload logo as normal. :D

raja Sep. 24 '10

just when it was getting dramatic, Von!

Ocularink Sep. 24 '10

Loved this since day one. Welcome to the Pond. :-)

glitschkastudios Sep. 25 '10

Vintage Chic,**That is because it was derived from my original design. **I suspect the only reason they gave theirs two peg legs is a weak attempt at moving further away from being recognized as such. Didn't work.**A pirate never has two peg legs? That's like Handicaptain Hook.**But I digress.

Art Machine Sep. 25 '10

Love it. Great to see you here, Von.

chirp Sep. 25 '10

Sweet Illustrated Design (TM). Awesome to see you here.

tass Oct. 02 '10

Arrrr! :D Love it!

ClimaxDesigns Mar. 01 '16

I know his logopond portfolio isn't that large ( hint hint :D ) but his work is great and hes a legend in this field of study! Grats on Featured Showcase

Oronoz ® Mar. 01 '16

Congrats on the Feature Von!! And agreed with @ClimaxDesigns you are a legend and a great inspiration!!

logomotive Mar. 01 '16

2 Legends back to back.

Mikeymike Mar. 01 '16

Great choice for a feature. agree on the legend status.

chanpion Mar. 01 '16

Always enjoyed viewing his work. Pretty much nothing this guy can't pull off.

logoholik Mar. 01 '16

Yep, congrats! Deserved!

nido Mar. 04 '16

I'm surprised by the decision to feature this showcase.

type and signs Mar. 04 '16

saw great designs on his site .... never seen it before ... will always remember a design Heroe ... really, really impressive ...

logomotive Mar. 05 '16

Nido, It's Featured artist, not featured showcase.

ru_ferret Mar. 06 '16

Congrats! I expect to see more of your logos from now on. ;)

nido Mar. 07 '16

Mike, featured whatever, I am still surprised by the decision. I assume this guy is well known, somewhere, good for him. Or maybe not, maybe he just really needs the exposure, unlike many of the designers who have been on here for years trying there best to get a break.

ClimaxDesigns Mar. 07 '16

Nido what are you talking about, Von Glit has been a member for 6 years, and even if he was not as well known as he is, wouldn't this be akin to your ' break ' of a lessor know artist. Also, I have asked numerous times for anyone, especially older, trusted, members like yourself to toss names into the hat...

Also he didn't ask to be featured, I don't think he even realizes it yet... There's no underhanded double deal/quid pro quo here.

samdemastrie Mar. 07 '16

How do you not know Von Glitschka?

vaneltia Mar. 07 '16

Yeah, his illustrations are amazing! :)

jeroen van eerden Mar. 08 '16

Congratulations on the feature!

logomotive Mar. 08 '16

Von and Gerard are two of my first inspirations and reasons that kept me inspired to make it a career. He May not have a lot of stuff here on Logopond, But I assure you he has plenty of top notch stuff he could add.


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