Uberri Clothing

by • Uploaded: Jun. 03 '12


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Description: Still tinkering... In development for Uberri, a new children's clothing label based in Australia. Target market is 5-12yr old girls, largest output is summer, beach wear & related accessories. The name Uberri, integrates with the tagline; Uberri (You are very) fashion concious, it also compares fruit to children - always growing, bright, full of life, etc.
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 8398
Tags: Kids Children Clothing Hair

Lets Discuss

Hayes Image Jun. 03 '12

Thanks David. I dare say that it will come down to that version or the stacked version for practicallity. They're still working out how they're deciding how to implement the design onto their clothing - Use of a tag/label or, screenprinting onto the fabric.

richardbaird Jun. 04 '12

Hi Josh, I'm surprised you are leaving it to the client to decide on execution, surely it's part of your job to advise the client as part of a broader and holistic experience? The difference between screening and embroidering will no doubt have an impact on perceived value and ultimately brand positioning. Design and application, in my mind, should be completely complimentary, reflective part of your vision drawn from the brief and further communicate brand values. What if they choose a single colour screen print when really, if it's a high price item, it should be embroidered and include a tag? - I would definitely jump in before they potentially compromise the effectiveness of your work.

milou Jun. 04 '12

Fits the kids clothing label nicely, Josh. A lot of fun here in the simplest form.

Hayes Image Jun. 04 '12

@Richard - Thanks for the input! Basically, what I'm doing is keeping things like positioning/layout 'modular' & open till we* finalise how everything is going to fit together.

*we = Clients, signwriters, interior designers, printers, painters, electricians, computer techs, glaziers, cabinet makers, carpeters & myself...all of which have been in the same room more than once.

So I offer my proposals of what I believe to be most effective, but that's a little down the road. Cheers :)

@Milou - Thanks bud, glad it translates :)

Hayes Image Jun. 04 '12

"I'm surprised you are leaving it to the client to decide on execution"

Not quite what I was referring to though ;)

rudy hurtado Jun. 04 '12

This logo will help sell a lot of kid clothes, great job here Josh.

brandingbros Jun. 06 '12

Like the idea so very much..V

Hayes Image Jun. 08 '12

Thanks guys :) More developments to come!!

richardbaird Jun. 08 '12

Sure, I didn't realise it was quite so expansive, of course you need to draw in those experts!

Hayes Image Jun. 08 '12

^ A textbook example of a startup company ;)


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