The Tuppenny Trust

by • Uploaded: Feb. 22 '12


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Description: The Tuppenny Trust is a charity that aims to give life changing support and experiences to the most vulnerable and disadvantaged members of the local Community. Idea based on old British coin - tuppence with a horse portrait. The charity takes unwanted and abused horses. They are looked after by the members. Unfortunately this Charity got started but subsequently got shelved so logo going spare.
As seen on: Project on Behance
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 7661
Tags: herbert light charity coin light

Lets Discuss

herbert light Mar. 13 '12

Updated colour scheme as client preferred redish brown. Background red is to be used on branding including business cards.

Type and Signs Apr. 15 '12

man ...that's all amazing what you do ... like it very much !!

herbert light Apr. 16 '12

Thanks Tas, appreciate the kind words

herbert light Dec. 17 '12

Thanks Gareth & Antonio!


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