Bristol V1

by • Uploaded: Nov. 01 '15


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Description: WIP for a luxury watch brand with an aviation theme.
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 2591
Tags: luxury aviation pilot portrait

Lets Discuss

milovanovic Nov. 02 '15

This is so great Jacob!
Have you tried adding the shoulders?

Herbert light Nov. 03 '15

Thanks Milos. I tried to really simplify the portrait as it will be reduced very small on watches. So I went with just the head without neck or shoulders. Do you and others think it would benefit from shoulders?

herbert light Nov. 05 '15

Update - I've added a neck and shoulders. Thanks Milos for the suggestion. I think this is an improvement. Client likes pilot portrait version, just showing the update now.

milovanovic Nov. 12 '15

Hey Jacob, I prefer more the first one, with head only. I had in mind some sort of the leather jacket on him. That's just opinion. Definetely I prefer the one you firstly posted.

Herbert light Nov. 19 '15

Thanks @milovanovic client prefers just the head version so going with this as things stand. Appreciate the feedback though.


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