Shark Surfboards

by • Uploaded: Jul. 01 '09


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Description: Surfers from all around the world come to this magnificent space to de delighted with the trendiest & most advanced in surfing boards & apparel. Whether you pick the smartest design on a board or you’re into the retro-style, Shark Surfboards has the perfect bite. 2009 © José Manuel Contreras
Status: Client work
Viewed: 2927

Lets Discuss

Runce Jul. 01 '09

I like it, a very nice logo :) Did you convert the font or make it by yourself?

JMC Jul. 02 '09

Thank you very much MomentumMagazine %26 Runce.%0D*

JMC Jul. 02 '09

Runce, I drew the font freehand and then vectorized it.

kspaulding Jul. 02 '09

That's pretty hot., and it's so appropriate. I'd be very proud of that one

JMC Jul. 02 '09

Thank you very much kspaulding.

phoenix Jul. 08 '09

A brilliant logo. personally i would have had the H as a standalone letter and used the fin as the A on its own rather than joining them together it makes it look slightly unintentionally left heavy, but thats my only comment, all in all i think it looks brilliant

JMC Jul. 08 '09

Thank you very much phoenix for your comment and feedback.


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