DesignEire was a web development company located in Dublin, Ireland. The design won a Summit Creative Award (Silver) and appears in the books The Big Book of Logos 3, New Logo World (Japan), Graphically Speaking, Global Corporate Identity, and Logo Design for Small Business 2. It was also reviewed in the UK newspaper The Sunday Times (see link)
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Jeff Fisher LogoMotives
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Sorry Jeff, I just took an honesty pill. I cannot for the life of me see how this logo won any kind of awards. Not that it is terrible, but not award winning in my book at least.%0D*%0D*
ReplyM. - Just saw your comment. Honesty is the best policy - and I guess it's a good thing you weren't judging any of the competitions. :o)
ReplyLOL! Jeff good additude:-) yeah to me this does not have the same %22magic%22 as some of your others thats all. Just average to me.
ReplyHaving judged numerous national and international design contests, I know such judging is so subjective. Sometimes it's just what the judges like personally. At times certain submitted designs fit perfectly within the specific judging guidelines of the competition. In other situations the judges are simply selecting the best from what is submitted - and in other cases the entries are simply so bad no (or very limited) honors are awarded.
ReplyFunny - in my entire career I've only had one logo design ever reviewed by a major publication and this was critiqued by the UK newspaper The Sunday Times. I just came across the old review yesterday and posted in on my blog (at the link above).
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