Kennedy's American Barber Club

by • Uploaded: Aug. 19 '08


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Description: Logo proposal for an upscale men's barbershop that offers everything for the discerning gentleman. The barber shop encourages becoming a member to gain unlimited haircuts, straight razor shaves, etc. There is a nostalgic feeling to this shop which is covered in wood flooring, oxblood leather chairs and white wainscoting about 6' high.
As seen on: Designer-Daily
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 11020

Lets Discuss

creativeheart Aug. 20 '08

Old fashioned, I expect to see butcher bob standing behind the chair with his handle bar mustache holding a black comb and wearing a smile. It's fun.

rudy hurtado May. 14 '09

I love the feel of this one! great job.

johnboerckel May. 15 '09

thanks much, I appreciate it.

JF Sep. 12 '09

This is really nice. Has a classic, timeless feel, even tho it has a lot of retro elements here.

joelalexander Sep. 20 '10

Hey John, great work here!!! love the finish and detail on the scroll.


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