Wiseman Softworks

by • Uploaded: Oct. 19 '09


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Description: Wiseman Softworks
As seen on: Wiseman Softworks
Status: Client work
Viewed: 1504

Lets Discuss

woelve Oct. 19 '09

I like it. But to tell the truth you have to look for a while before you see mark's details.

klibia Oct. 19 '09

Thx for comment! The customer insisted on details and was very stubborn... and besides he was my husband :)

Type08 Oct. 23 '09

This is awesome, Natalia! But you learned one lesson here I hope: NEVER DESIGN FOR YOUR HUSBAND (WIFE)! %3B)

klibia Oct. 23 '09

I need a free coder :) that's why I have to. Thanks for feedback!


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