
by • Uploaded: Feb. 09 '10 - Gallerized: Feb. '10


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Description: for nightclub&restaurant
Status: Client work
Viewed: 9485

Lets Discuss

nitish.b Feb. 09 '10

IMO...the type is embedded on the surface and the mark is on a different dimension...i like it...but somthin is disturbing my eye..dont really know what...but i like the art direction...:)

kathariney Feb. 09 '10

i just love the way this one is :)

zephyr Feb. 09 '10

Great mark and colours - I would agree that the type could do without the embedded effect.

EBrown Feb. 09 '10

Yeah maybe lose the embedded effect to it, and maybe throw it on a solid background or white background. Nice work.

klibia Feb. 09 '10

nitish.b, radhacelis, zephyr, EBrown, thank you for feedback! Until you told me, I did'nt see a conflict between the mark and the type. But now my eyes are opened)) You are absolutely right. It's shadow and the embedded effect - they contradict each other considering laws of physics. Something of this should be removed.%0D*%0D*kathariney, thanks!))

milou Feb. 09 '10

mark is very sweet, not sure about size of the type here though.

klibia Feb. 10 '10

Andrei, thanks!%0D*Milou, I spent a lot of time thinking over the type size, and concluded that these proportions are optimal. Probably, you are right, but I can't make it better. Thanks for your comment.%0D*Jonden, thanks! I had the same idea, but I intentionally used color to enforce association with water. %0D*Thanks for all the comments! I tried to consider all given remarks and corrected the logo. Got rid of embed effect, slightly changed background texture, shadow and mark's perspective. Check it out! ))%0D*

alexanderspliid Feb. 10 '10

This one is great! Though i don't think the type fits the mark, Type is sort'a geometric, and the mark has an oriental feel to it. Some custom script, or just an oriental-inspired font, would do the mark justice imo.

ethereal Feb. 10 '10

The type must have been updated because I find this to be pretty nice. Nice mark.

klibia Feb. 10 '10

Alexander, ethereal, thanks for your comments! I have to think it over)

Type08 Feb. 10 '10

Klibia... This is hot...

klibia Feb. 11 '10

Type08, thank you!

milou Feb. 11 '10

yup, now it's great , love it.

snowkai Feb. 11 '10

Vpolne priyatnii znak, no 4to-to s Z v napisanii*)

Mikeymike Feb. 11 '10

reservations for two please!! nice design. solid. congrats!

mattaebersold Feb. 11 '10

Really great typeface and wonderful color.

Petro Feb. 11 '10

Mistery of the desert... Love this one!

koolklik Feb. 12 '10

Is an elegant logo. Color also matching, is extreme

klibia Feb. 12 '10

Guys, thank you all for your comments! Very nice to hear such words.%0D*Snowkai, I wanted the type to be modern and at the same time with an eastern motive. I used %22Z%22 to depict this motive, that's why it's so weird and curly )) %0D*Firebrand, Mikeymike, ok, name your order. There are some special items in our menu today ))%0D*

janzabransky Feb. 12 '10

This logo is pure beauty. Gem between other logos. It makes me feel I want to eat in restaurant with visual presentation like this.

cnasshan Feb. 13 '10

do you serve brains for the dinner special?

klibia Feb. 14 '10

Ohhh! Jan, ali05040, thanks a lot!%0D*Cnasshan, yep, this is specially-special dish - a great delicacy, is very rare and behind a long line))%0D*

dotd420 Feb. 18 '10

love it. the mark would work for a water company too. blue, refreshing, exotic- pitcher

klibia Mar. 01 '10

%3Cb%3Edotd420%3C/b%3E, thank for your comment! yeah, this fits well too))


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