Need your critiques and opinions about this logo.
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Just for fun
Lets Discuss
Nice concept. I think that the type should be smaller.
Replyagree wid acanski...:)
Reply%5E%5E agree. real nice concept.
ReplyThanks %3B) Now with a little bit smaller type...
ReplyIt is better now. Try without italic and with some thinner font.
ReplyI tryed to do that and i think now it looks better,thanks for your tips %3B) respect
Replynice logo
ReplyLogocrave,thanks %3B)
ReplyThe types on a strange angle like 2 degrees or something, other than that really nice
ReplyOMG,omg another logo in gallery.*I will change type,i dont like it very much.*Thanks logopond i still love you,now much stronger...
ReplyNice concept!
Replyreminded me of one i did a while back%0D*%0D**%0D*agree with cerise about the type
ReplyGood concept!
ReplyI think the little envelope house is perfect. Nice work.
ReplyThis is one of those concepts I'd love to call my own. Well done!
ReplyI have one exactly like this too %3B)
ReplyCool! What is missing is the window and the smoke from a chimney.
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