
by • Uploaded: Aug. 24 '11


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Description: This logo is for Mitecnia, a young company dedicated to the sale of PC hardware and also offers internet related services such as web design. I would like to know your opinions, especially typography. (Font: Regular Fidelity Modified)
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 1687

Lets Discuss

designtofeel Aug. 24 '11

That's a pretty nice mark you've got there, although I don't think that the gradient is helping anything. I'm not really crazy about the type though, but I'm not sure why. Maybe it looks too much like the mark (the M's are basically the same) or maybe I just don't like the looks of it. It's also a mix of upper and lower case, which is odd looking. One thing I can say that bothers me is the large (although inherent) counter spaces on either side of the T. I might suggest finding a new typeface, one that's classic and looks nice by itself.

loucobos Aug. 25 '11

Thank you very much for your comment!*I uploaded a second version with a new font and I think it looks better. But I'd like more user opinions :(**


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