
by • Uploaded: Aug. 25 '11


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Description: Second version.This logo is for Mitecnia, a young company dedicated to the sale of PC hardware and also offers internet related services such as web design. I would like to know your opinions, especially typography.
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 1661

Lets Discuss

lumavine Aug. 27 '11

Yea this is a lot better than the other one. The gradient is still too much. The symbol is nice, but perhaps a bit generic. Good job.

loucobos Aug. 27 '11

Yes, it's a bit generic and simple, but it is the symbol chosen by the customer. The logo with the new type is now more professional in my opinion.**Someone also has told me about the gradient but I didn%B4t know interpret this opinion, I dont know why it isn%B4t good use of the gradient.**Cheers!


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