Missouri Valley Montessori School

by • Uploaded: Aug. 02 '10


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Description: K-5 th grade School
Status: Client work
Viewed: 4350

Lets Discuss

myway999 Aug. 02 '10

great work, i like this! cool colors:p

axl Aug. 02 '10

reminds me of the new unilever logo. maybe a color shift would help separate them a bit more?

Mikeymike Aug. 02 '10

Thanks, Joe and myway.

adambomb Aug. 02 '10

I was just going to say %22Unilever,%22 too. It's beautiful, but I think it's way too close.

sbj Aug. 03 '10

yeah close to unilever but this one has nice feel n relation with main subject.. u can use another tone of blue to separate it :)

Mikeymike Aug. 03 '10

Axi, adambomb and sbj, thanks for the comments. thought that %22Unilever%22 might be brought up. I did this about a year and a have ago. So they are already using the blue color, but I may explore different colors for the show here. Not that inventive I guess, but my challange was to see if I could keep on subject matter and make it fun for the kids. Hope I achieved that. Thanks for the comments.

adambomb Aug. 04 '10

Oh wow. I just Googled their website. They really butchered your logo.

Mikeymike Aug. 04 '10

Yeah, nice huh! :0 I think they let one of the students do it. Kidding. I am trying to at least correct it. NO DISTORTING!!! :) kids.

lumavine Aug. 21 '10

Very fun, and speaks to the depth of education. Good job!

Mikeymike Aug. 22 '10

thanks, lumavine. yeah the kids at the school love it. they were all given t-shirts with the logo on the first day.

lecart Sep. 03 '10

sounds fun man, great work

Mikeymike Sep. 03 '10

thanks, Stelian. yeah its fun when they enjoy your designs.

theartistt Sep. 03 '10

Every time a logo like this is done, the Unilever logo comes up. Most of the time it is really not all that close. Now THIS does indeed look almost exactly like the Unilever logo in execution, but I don't believe they have a copyright on the style. I think it is great!

Mikeymike Sep. 04 '10

Thanks, Trish. I was inspired by Unilever and others like this. I tried to make it mean something for the education level for which it was intended. I hope it achieved that. Thanks for comment.

theartistt Sep. 04 '10

The best part is where you worked the open book in, like all the rest of the images are coming out of it to create the M. Brilliant. The thing about the Unilever logo is it doesn't seem like any of the images that make up the U have anything to do with the company. And it is always used at such a small size it doesn't really matter that it is a collage of images anyway. This is a better use of the style, imo.

Mikeymike Sep. 06 '10

Thanks for the nice compliment, Trish. I had fun doing this one and the client loves it, so that works for me. :)

Mikeymike Nov. 17 '10

thank you Ashley. the kids liked it! although the adults ruined it on the web site. :)

Mikeymike Nov. 22 '10

thanks, Riz. Means a lot.


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