
by • Uploaded: Jan. 31 '10 - Gallerized: Oct. '13


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Description: Leap ambigram.
As seen on: www.maskon.net
Status: Client work
Viewed: 9077

Lets Discuss

JoePrince Jan. 31 '10

Very cool looking ambigram, and a great name too.

nitish.b Jan. 31 '10

thx joe..hope its readable...?

woelve Jan. 31 '10

I thought of %22lop%22

nitish.b Jan. 31 '10

i fell the 2nd e needs some work...but it no ways looks like lop...does it? sorry i cant c it...:(

bitencourt Feb. 01 '10

Yeah nitish, its cool, but is difficult to read yet...

michaelspitz Feb. 01 '10

%5EAgreed. Cool look, but I'm getting 'bop' %3E upside down E's are a kind of tricky sell %3B)

nitish.b Feb. 01 '10

let me try somthin i have in mind...will get back on this one:D

nitish.b Feb. 01 '10

updated...is leep clear now guys...:)

michaelspitz Feb. 01 '10

%5EYou know what...for some reason it's way clearer now..? Ha! I don't know what you did?! %3B)

michaelspitz Feb. 01 '10

%5EI'm loving this now! :)

nitish.b Feb. 01 '10

lol...i added the inner curves of e...:P...b4 it was flat

jn Feb. 01 '10

I dont see the second e - i see an a! :)

sbj Feb. 01 '10

Hey nitish one more point. %22the last letter look more like q and the first one is like b%22.*at first look it seems like this! *

kathariney Feb. 01 '10

I'm still seeing only %22le%22... then my mind's just too convinced that it's followed by %22a (or) o%22. if that's an %22a (or) o%22, I can't figure out what that last mirrored upside-down %22l%22 would be....if that's not an %22a (or) o%22, then it reads %22ley / le2%22 to me.......**but i do like the overall look and feel of this :)

nitish.b Feb. 01 '10

leap and leep...i want it to read both...the name is LEAP...but i thout it will be cooler to call it leep...:) jus playing for my id...g8 u c leap...:)

nitish.b Feb. 01 '10

hahaha...its g8 that people can c so many things with one design...i am loving this...if this will be my id...it wil surely reflect me being confused...:) thx for the insight...i fel it reads...LEEP or LEAP...works for me...thx anyways.

kathariney Feb. 01 '10

please don't take this offensively, but i just want to share this info with everyone. In graphology, they have a theory that usually people who write their name in a confusing way is a sign of that person being less trust-worthy, or they don't want people to understand them.

nitish.b Feb. 01 '10

lol...no offense taken..but i dont believe in all that..its jus a theory...not a dogmatic fact, not a constant...so i am cool wid it...:)

somethingphishy Feb. 01 '10

i read 'leez' ... i agree that the 'l' could do with more work.*i like though. neat

nitish.b Feb. 01 '10

thx vinecreative...i am still working on this...will surly try what u say...appreciate:)

FleetinBeing Feb. 01 '10

yep I definitely see %22Leez%22. I agree with vinecreative, maybe play with lightening the %22L%22 and see where that leads you?

krinimal Apr. 17 '10

i definitely see leap! amazing this one :) i am becoming a fan now nitish :)

nitish.b Apr. 19 '10

%5E%5E%5Ethx a lot for ur appreciation...:)


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