horizon sail club

by • Uploaded: Feb. 02 '10 - Gallerized: Feb. '10


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Description: wip...working on a color ver...i fel gray is still more effective ver 1 http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/92220
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 7291

Lets Discuss

kathariney Feb. 02 '10

this is still lovely, but i agreed that the grey version is better. that one has a more nautical feel.

nitish.b Feb. 02 '10

%5E%5E%5Ei agree...thx a lot...appreciate...:)

michaelspitz Feb. 02 '10

Looks great in color! :)

nitish.b Feb. 02 '10

ye thx michaelspitz...but i feel the gray one has more depth...:)

michaelspitz Feb. 02 '10

%5EDefinitely dig the grey as well... While that guy speaks in shadows, this one speaks in light... For me, they both play quite nicely :)

Mikeymike Feb. 02 '10

i really like this, grey or not. its the sign of a good design when you can use other colors and it still really holds its graphic power. nice work.

ryanlynndesign Feb. 03 '10

I think I dig this one more than the black and white version. This color variation just seems like a more positive feel while the B%26W logo looked like the boat was being overtaken by some ominous black wave.

nitish.b Feb. 03 '10

thx mike...we share the same opinion...:)*thx a lot ryanlynn...very interesting thought...never saw it that ways...thx agian for your insights...:)

OcularInk Feb. 03 '10

There is something very striking about this one. Can you put the %22Sail%22 type on the same line as the %22Club%22 type? Right now, %22Club%22 looks kind of funny and off centered all by itself.

nitish.b Feb. 03 '10

thx ocularink...u know what...i did try that...the name of the club is horizontal sail...putting sail wid club will make not much sense functionally...IMO...but thx for the observation..:)

OcularInk Feb. 03 '10

Ah, that makes sense. I was thinking maybe it was Horizon %22Sail Club%22. Cheers!

reddskinn Feb. 03 '10

You could reduce the space between the words of the top line and move a bit to the left the bottom line to try a better balance, not mathematic but visual.

brandclay Feb. 03 '10

I like this better.

designabot Feb. 03 '10

excellent use of gradients!*

ethereal Feb. 03 '10

Very cool, the gradients are a nice touch.

nitish.b Feb. 04 '10

thx guys ...really appreciate your all ur floats...:)

nitish.b Feb. 18 '10

logo theft...this logo was posted buy some shane form england i ges...clamming its his design...chk this out...the link has lot of pond designers logos...**http://cargocollective.com/shanecreative%23260365/Logo-Showcase*

thewebster Jul. 29 '10

Well, i couldn't open the link but this logo looks absolutly awesome! I directly saw a man working through a storm and the moon shines while water hits his face, lol. I would use a more softer moon-like yellow. But it's your decision - great work!

nitish.b Jul. 30 '10

%5E%5E%5Ethx for ur insights...:)

wizmaya Feb. 14 '11

Wow, really dig the mark. Color gradient is amazing!

nitish.b Feb. 15 '11

thx again, much appreciated...:)

Simon™ Mar. 13 '11

Great showcase, and this one's a favourite of mine.

nitish.b Jun. 05 '11

%5E%5E%5E thx femili


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