XMPP v.2

by • Uploaded: May. 21 '07 - Gallerized: Aug. '07


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Description: This is another concept proposed to the people at Jabber.org for a new identity.
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 7464

Lets Discuss

kaimere May. 21 '07

very tasty ... much preferring this one ...

dache May. 21 '07

I prefer this one too, although it could have much cleaner curves to the upper right and lower left. What do the three color bands represent?*What are your thoughts on leaving a large triangular blank space to the upper right of the type?

senterbrands May. 21 '07

Raja I like this one the best. Dont change a thing man. The image has a certain mystery.

nido May. 22 '07

very nice raja!

raja May. 25 '07

thanks for having a look guys

DavidSanchez Aug. 29 '07

Nice abstract, the stacked color array evokes, merger, union, although the initials or word are not symmetrically proportional to the symbol...


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