Darren Winston

by • Uploaded: Nov. 17 '07


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Description: Hollywood Real Estate
As seen on: DarrenWinston.com
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 2846

Lets Discuss

ChrisG Nov. 17 '07

I like the simplicity. I see that it is not incorporated on their website yet. It is far more professional that what they have i place now. You have done your client a good service.

OcularInk Nov. 17 '07

It's not everyday we get to see a nice sans small caps type solution. This one works well. One question for you, man. I see the D %26 W in the icon, but a 3 is more significant to me. Would love to know your thoughts on that.

koodoz Nov. 20 '07

Cool. Love the simplicity raja!

logomotive Nov. 23 '07

%5E, FYI it's a D W combination.

raja Nov. 23 '07

Thanks Chris. Ocularink, thanks, I see what your are saying. Yes, thats right logomotive, good eye.

dache Nov. 25 '07

It seems more like an attempt at a 'D' and 'W' combination but when the final symbol reads a completely differant idea is it a justified choice?

dache Mar. 24 '08

Nice palette though.


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