
by • Uploaded: Jul. 19 '07 - Gallerized: Jul. '07


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Description: cobracube is a tech/design/idea lab project that I am working on
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Lets Discuss

nido Jul. 19 '07

cool... hows about a cube kinda appearing from a woven basket?...

dikkers Jul. 19 '07

i like it, but i see a leaf more..? Or is it just me?**Perhaps more flared head like they have? or the tongue more forked?**Cool though _b

kaimere Jul. 20 '07

very nice Mr Raja

Thomas Jul. 20 '07

I like it, very nice coulour scheme. Could you please explain why the cobra is back turned? Is there some reasons about that? Excellent tough.

sabrosa Jul. 20 '07

like the colours, would prefer it coming at you rather then away from you.

OcularInk Jul. 20 '07

Thomas, I'm glad you brought that up. I was thinking the same thing, but then thought to myself, %22Wait, it looks like the snake is protecting the wordmark/brand. Which, in turn, I kind of like. Nice job, Raja. I don't think it's quite there yet, but it's coming along. I really like Nido's idea of incorporating a weave basket of some sort. That would really convey the technology aspect of things. Even've done well.

sandhya Jul. 20 '07

Any of you noticed the black triangle in the corner. Does that play any role in the identity?**I like the idea, but I do agree it needs more work. To me, the head of the snake seems a bit larger in proportion to the type. **I would like to see the final as well.

brandfive Jul. 20 '07

Raja, you need to work more on the shadow, doesnt go well with the shape of the snake.. ,cant wait to see the final version.

duckland Jul. 20 '07

Good idea, but needs a little more to be perfect. I do like the way you have the cube cobra, but why in that way? Most be something behind the whole idea.

irishbug Jul. 20 '07

I'm curious how this will translate to a one-color or reversed logo.

believe Jul. 20 '07

too strange and distorted. Shadow makes it seem like it's falling on it's side. good idea but needs a bit more work.

raja Jul. 22 '10

ahh - not that great at...but thanks all for looking**I just saw it here in this article - by chance - they don't credit the designers**10 trends that will define logo design in 2008***


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