Time for an intervention

by • Uploaded: Nov. 14 '11


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Description: There appears to be rampant, addictive use of wine logos, and I felt it was...
As seen on: dribbble
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 3523
Tags: logo wine

Lets Discuss

Hayes Image Nov. 15 '11

Uploaders not so anonymous %3B)

rudy hurtado Nov. 15 '11

For all you WINOS! :)

rudy hurtado Nov. 15 '11

Raja, got your message, let me know how I can help my friend.

raja Nov. 16 '11

I wonder if it's good or bad that you get it LOL**Rudy, which message? -- I always need help, don't know what it was for this time O_o

Dan. Nov. 17 '11

Clever idea! Well executed. The negative space in the AA is reminiscent of the way light relects off the front of a wine bottle.


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