by • Uploaded: Feb. 11 '09


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Description: This was designed originally for a different client who rejected the proposal. A newer client felt it would suit his identity so the mark instead was used by him. What's funny, is he couldn't tell me what he wants to do with the company so I filled in a bogus strap line and he loved it and said he will use it. The name Kesec comes from his family initials.
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Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 3100

Lets Discuss

LoGoBoom Feb. 11 '09

Cool mark. His company should offer dot resizing and relocation services.

logotivity Feb. 12 '09

hahaha, w don't know what we do yet... LOL!**This is cool..

nido Mar. 11 '09

Rajas way of saying %22just for fun%22...


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