I K O N - Tower

by • Uploaded: Aug. 17 '09


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Description: This is a brand initiative for the I K O N name/company that will encompass luxury resort hotels and office towers in Cyprus. It is a work in progress. You can get a view of what one of the towers will look like on the temp' web site (not designed by me). In the initial briefings, the tower was to be in the shape of the logo designed but has, since then changed motifs. Hence the work in progress disclaimer :)
As seen on: http://www.ikontower.com/
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 8593

Lets Discuss

tass Aug. 17 '09

Very nice one raja.

raja Aug. 18 '09

Thanks, tass. Quite the vibrant showcase you got there, just checked it out.

kaimere Aug. 18 '09

Looks good. Nice one Raja, how the other collateral looking

raja Aug. 18 '09

thanks mike, collateral to come after logo is finalized, they changed up the building designs so I'm making some changes to the mark

logomotive Aug. 18 '09

Neat project Raja, looks like fun,cool name. Very workable logo :) best wishes on it.

firebrand Aug. 18 '09

ikonic design, Raja!

nido Aug. 18 '09

it has a clothing line brand feel to it.. could see it work on tee's %26 jeans... anyway... meet me round back for a smoke...

jf Aug. 18 '09

I'm wondering why they chose to go with the horizontal version, when this version is so strong! This makes total sense to me%3B the other version they have up there on the site is pretty, but isn't saying as much as this one I believe.

rudy hurtado Aug. 18 '09

Great! the application possibilities are endless.

Brandsimplicity Aug. 18 '09

Looking forward to the development of this one.

raja Aug. 21 '09

thanks for looking guys, feedback very appreciated**nido, ok c ya, you'll be the shirtless guy right %3B)

raja Sep. 01 '09

* %22Here is an architect's render of the tower lobby%22:http://rajasandhu.com/ikon_tower_logo.jpg*

nido Sep. 29 '09

so that's your studio space...

raja Sep. 30 '09

thats it Nido, headquarters, ask firebrand U n' I know :D

Chad Sanderson Oct. 04 '09

Fantastic job mate. This is a really strong mark. I would use the iconic pun, but it seems like someone beat me to it. Great work.

raja Nov. 30 '09

Thanks Chad - tough to beat Firebrand on the puns

firebrand Nov. 30 '09

%5EYes we'll have to reintroduce the cheese. Been a while %3B)

raja Nov. 27 '10

i kon not believe no one but on the pun call


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