How do you like my ass?.. haha
This is the new identity for MuleSource - Mule ESB™ is the world’s most widely used open source enterprise service bus, with over 1.5 million downloads and 2,000 production deployments.
They could not remove 'Mule' from the name but they changed the name to MuleSource and wanted to hint at it in the mark, posted is my solution.
The are currently working on it's implementation.
As seen on:
Nothing set
Lets Discuss
Sorry, I mean to say they changed the name to 'MuleSoft'
ReplyNice!!!! raja, welcome back.
Replythanks! coming from the top dog himself. I am slowly re-
ReplyI'm a dog your an ASS %3B) nice ass raja %3B)
Replydon't take that wrong bro. I don't like your but,and you can be a bit of a jerk LOL no serious all humor ASSide This is great.
ReplyGeeeez, do either of you speak English?!
Replywhat does geeeez mean?
Replygeeeez up hoez down - ok got u hahah
ReplyWut up DoG, mean Doc. Whuch u talkin bout Willis?
ReplyI'm gonna do some shameless ass-kissing now (pun intended) ...**This logo is exactly the reason why you're one of my most favorite identity specialists raja...**It takes mad skills to do web 2.0 which is not overcooked! off late most of the web2 logos are so overdone with effects that it really hits the eye...the balance in this one is just perfect!!**
ReplyLOL!! Geeez up hoez down....hahaha!!
Reply...sippin on gin and juice...
Replykotha tha siir!...
Replywow tx John - I'm far from that, but very appreciated!**Oc, thanks for the definition. You can ask mike for definitions of our lingo ha**type08 hmmmm memories..**nido, kothiya chup kar, ne ta sir bhad du
ReplyGood to hear 'Pun'jabi !
Replythat was funny dbunk!
Replylogo is live now
Replyass very nice!
Replyclassic, Firebrand :D
Replythis ass is kissable!
Replyoh no we can't get this started again**it's not really a massterpiece
Replybut, not a disasster...
Replylol thanks
ReplyRaja, never saw the mule until now, great solution, that's how you design a logo.
ReplyRudy's approval is a deal maker check out his showcase click on the wings!
Replythanks Noetic**why haven't there been a series of fake ass logos**
Reply %23serenityprayer
Replytheir mamu's a kotha :s
ReplySince took the logo down, I have gotten a couple of emails about this 'logo rip' -- --
ReplyAs the original designer, and considering the size of MuleSoft, I feel this infringes. What do you think?
I wonder if they know there is an ass hidden in their logo...
thats a tough one cause its obvious they were going for the shape of a steering wheel. I honestly dont know what to tell you about this one.
ReplyYes, it's a bit tough -- I did not see the steering wheel connection at all though. Thanks for the feedback.
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