Fashion Australia

by • Uploaded: Jul. 22 '06 - Gallerized: Jul. '06


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Description: kangarooooo ***edit, I can\'t take the illustration credit here, this was art work I modified
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Viewed: 63212

Lets Discuss

nido Jun. 22 '07

great illustration... this could work well as a theme... bulldog with ribbon in the uk... bear with ribbon in russia... tiger in india... no point to this really... could go on forever... thought there might be a joke in it somewhere... maybe its me...

huyendesigner Aug. 01 '08

lovely and nice logo !

Chad Sanderson Oct. 05 '09

Holy crap. Your entirely portfolio is like a logodesign %22How To%22 book. Great work dude.

raja Oct. 06 '09

%22How not to%22 - thanks Chad

javaap Oct. 14 '09

A 2006 logo that doesn't look a day old, great logo %26 showcase!

raja Oct. 16 '09

thank you javaap!**its a lot older than o6 mind you**it made it's way into the LogoLounge series a few years ago.**

raja Oct. 16 '09

thank you javaap!**its a lot older than o6 mind you, thats just the date that I uploaded here**it made it's way into the LogoLounge series a few years ago.**

felro Feb. 03 '10

Really enjoy this. The color of the bow tie really ignites the viewer to draw his or her attention directly to the upper half of the design. The height of the type here is use effectively as well. Good design man.

raja Feb. 15 '10

thank you felro**This logo was selected for publication in Logonest **

type and signs Nov. 30 '12

amazing roo ... love it !

raja Jan. 08 '13

Thank you TAS and shinobi


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