raja - amaze

by • Uploaded: Jul. 22 '06 - Gallerized: Sep. '07


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Description: one shape was used and only rotated to form the letters r, a, j, and a spelling my name, Raja.
As seen on: http://rajasandhu.com/
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 25447

Lets Discuss

Skyler Sep. 11 '07

I love the depth in this one!

moverdrive Sep. 23 '07

Great mark. And readability does not make a great mark...memorability does. So you did a great job.

icu Sep. 24 '07

I just visited your website and was impresed by your portfolio... I mean wow... respect! I love your works%0D*%0D*my favorites:%0D*-vapshare (...oh my god)%0D*-qommunicate (so simple)%0D*-flo (perfect)%0D*-inoplex (very nice)

amyblandford Sep. 27 '07

I agree that a mark doesn't need to be readable to be recognizable, which is the only thing that saves this. It's not legible AT ALL unless you're told what it says, and even then, it says %22rada.%22**my first thought upon seeing the thumbnail was- that's not much of a maze, you can walk right through it. (no clue those are supposed to be letters.) One would assume that AMAZE is the name of the client and the maze is a supporting graphic element.**what's so great about making 4 letters out of the same graphic if no one can read them!

liambeattie Sep. 28 '07

Nice, but a little bit difficult to read the 'raja' section!

raja Sep. 29 '07

Thanks guys - everyone makes a good point. I guess my intention with this logo is a lot different than your typical end-consumer logo/brand. I am not selling a product or service with this. It's solely my visual key. Also not trying to follow any 'rules' to be honest, your comments are valid nonetheless and thanks to all for looking. You can see it on my arm here, http://rajasandhu.com/raja_tattoo.jpg**This logo will be published in 4 design reference books in 2008.

Matheus Sep. 30 '07

I just think you need a website at the level of your identity. Your v2 needs to hurry!

cresk Oct. 01 '07

Nevertheless, this is one of my favorites of yours.

sandhya Oct. 01 '07

OMG! I am %22amazed%22 at this discussion thread!

raja Oct. 03 '07

agreed - i really need a new site but I just cant make the time - thanks

nido Oct. 03 '07

raja needs a v2 life at the moment.. (dont we all!)

kaimere Oct. 03 '07

hahahah .. such narrow minds :)

raja Oct. 04 '07

v2 life - i like that idea a lot

guezworks Mar. 24 '08

Still love your better, 100%25 better %3D)

nicolemarie May. 27 '08

Hi--My name is Nicole.*I am interested in having you design a logo for my project. I can provide you all the details. I would appreciate if you could send me your contact and pricing information. I am contacting only a handful of people and I will be making a decision on price and quality fairly immediately.**Thank you*Nicole myofficedesk@gmail.com

jcnicholls Jun. 17 '08

Excellent work, Raja. Your logo should be seen more as a marking than the usual text-based. You know, like Apple.**I made my JCN logo many years ago after hearing that there were some German designers that tried to find the absolute simplest way to get their initials into a box.**Cheers from Montreal!

babo Aug. 06 '08

Really beautiful, really, really wow.

NEXQUNYX Aug. 23 '08

Raja, i've been admiring your work for quite some time now...your logos are brilliant mate! I was on ebay a few minutes ago looking at logo design services and guess what I found? I found one of your logos being used by a wannabe designer as part of his portfolio! Here it is (hope this link works here. If not email me and I will send you the link directly): %0D*%0D*http://cgi.ebay.ca/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem%26item%3D250286154325%26_trksid%3Dp2759.l1259%0D*%0D*I recognized your work right away the second I saw it. It's your SKYCUBE logo.%0D*%0D*Have a look at it and let me know what you think? You can sue this clown's ass dude.%0D*%0D*cheers,%0D*Patrick

gthobbs Aug. 24 '08

!!!!!!!! Everybody should check out the link that Patrick (user name: NEXQUNYX) provided above. He's linking us to a guy that's ripped THREE of my logos as well for his %22ebay portfolio%22 (Dirty South, Riverboyne and Navigator). And I see a lot of other samples that I recognize as other Logopond regulars' work. He's got a footnote on his site: * Bluepixel retains rights to post your logo in our portfolio unless you request us not to do so.**The jerk's emails are danny@bluepixelmedia.com and ebaybluepixel@gmail.com.**Let's all hit him hard.**Thanks for the heads up Patrick.

firebrand Aug. 24 '08

This makes my blood boil. I've reported the charlatan to eBay.

brandsimplicity Aug. 24 '08

This has got to be the dumbest mongral I've ever seen.

muhanadhachem Aug. 24 '08

difficult to read RAJA in it...... mmmmmm

nido Aug. 24 '08

I think he has removed them all now!.. i don't know what annoys me more though.. that my work gets ripped off.. or the fact that it doesn't! its my ego that sways to the latter!**@muhanadhachem... %22difficult to read RAJA in it (for me)...... mmmmmm%22 %3B)

logomotive Aug. 24 '08

LOL Nido, hey let's take these to the forums guys. there's a couple posts there.

jessicacrawford Sep. 19 '08

I wouldn't have noticed the maze said Raja if you hadn't mentioned it but I'm not sure if that was your main concern. Nonetheless, a fun logo!

raja Sep. 23 '08

NEXQUNYX (Patrick) thanks, I really appreciate that!**LOL at brandsimplicity and nido**Thanks Jessica*****

2creativo Apr. 05 '09

aMAZing!**Good work, very interest

raja May. 06 '09

beautiful work 2creativo - thanks - hey clients check his stuff - http://2creativo.net/en/

BlindAcreMedia Aug. 05 '09

Raja,**Even at first glance, I liked the vernacular of your logo, then I noticed the maze spelled out your name, almost like you have more to you that nobody knows about! Or its your 'secret' way of designing. I am a fan of this!

raja Aug. 05 '09

BlindAcreMedia, thank you.**You have cracked the code and the secret is out!**Thanks for your comments, appreciated. Enigma was a part of the design process, you got that right :)

logoboom Sep. 29 '09

Somehow I never said how cool this design is.

Chad Sanderson Sep. 29 '09

Me neither! Fruggin' awesome man.

wesa Oct. 03 '09

Irreducible complexity... Very perfect!

raja Nov. 12 '09

Thank you all for looking!

felro Feb. 03 '10

Great logo. Kudos

raja Feb. 06 '10

Thanks felro.**Why are comments deleted from this post, looks like I am talking to myself in the begining LOL

impodster Feb. 22 '10

Sweet mark! I agree with your opening remarks. Symbology in the abstract is what moves and stabilizes societies. When participants in culture get spoon fed narrow fare I think culture becomes gaunt. Narrow visual language, and I include poetics in the allusion, reduces into soulless cliches. Thats all....*

tbsstores Feb. 25 '10

Great Work!**Can you pass me your contact info to discuss logo design work?

raja Feb. 25 '10

I hear you impodster - since our primal times, all language was symbology, it's universal, and intuitive in terms of your comment about it's prevalence in society. For example, to a non english reading pedestrian at a cross walk faced with a %22walk%22 or %22dont walk%22 option, chances are, symbols would do the job much better. And I also agree with your points on the diminishing appreciation of deep rooted visual communication...not that this has anything to do with this logo.**If you are inclined, have a %22look at how this mark has transformed to now represent the corporate entity of my business%22:http://logopond.com/gallery/detail/93117

mcdseven Feb. 26 '10

have to add a comment, love this logo, instantly recognize anywhere I see it. Little gutted to see it involve into the latest version, but like everything else in life it has to evolve and adapt. But this piece is simply... amazing.

raja Mar. 28 '10

thanks mcdseven - I should have explained this logo will remain personal while the other is going to be representative of the business side

logopunk May. 07 '10

Saw this about 3-4 years ago and I love it as much now as I did then - the sign of a really great logo.**Timeless logos tend to be simple, but this has an extra edge to it.**Think I'll still be looking at it in 10 years time and liking it just as much.**

raja May. 10 '10

hey thanks so much guys!

logomotive Jun. 17 '10

%5E yeah congtas Raja, glad to know you.

nido Jun. 18 '10

%22Raja Sandhu... was named one of the world’s best designers%22 NOT :)

raja Jun. 19 '10

Rudy, thanks for posting that**and thanks guys

raja Jun. 24 '10

Some one emailed me this link saying I should know about it, the designer is on logopond as well but doesn't have this one in his show case:**http://logoawards.mediabistro.com/node/349

rudy hurtado Jun. 24 '10

Sorry to see that Raja.

firebrand Jun. 24 '10

There should be a 'this logo has been ripped' button. If nothing else it would discourage a ripper ripping a rip... But then again...

raja Jun. 24 '10

I think the Greeks were the first to take credit...they ripped the idea from the Indians

raja Sep. 12 '10

thanks topicdesign

joelalexander Sep. 20 '10

super, duper SWEET! nice one.

Pyroboy May. 21 '12

I love this! Awesome mark man, gj!

raja Jul. 02 '12

Joel, Pyroboy - thanks for looking


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