I Can Fly

by • Uploaded: Mar. 12 '10 - Gallerized: Jan. '17


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Description: PROFILE: Revised concept of previous "I Can Fly" logo. This logo will be used by Wasinc for a program based in China that will enable the less fortunate to attain the skills to pilot an airbus. This will be a decal on the tail of a Boeing 777 airplane. How awesome is that? INSPIRATION: I always dream to fly, so this didn't take much inspiration. That's actually me you see in the logo.
As seen on: Wasinc Internantional
Status: Client work
Viewed: 10273

Lets Discuss

brandsimplicity Mar. 12 '10

Raja...this is super hot...i feel it!

xm Mar. 12 '10

This is beyond cool.

janzabransky Mar. 12 '10

I want it on a tshirt! this concept flyies.

JoePrince Mar. 12 '10

I really like the concept, just don't care for the way his arms/hands look. They seem like wooden pegs to me.

nitish.b Mar. 12 '10

agree wid joe, the hands look odd...but concept rocks.

raja Mar. 12 '10

thank you for looking**yes the arms and hands will need some anatomical remodeling but I still want to capture the morphing-intoiwing idea*

OcularInk Mar. 12 '10

Here's a float to get you off the ground.

raja Mar. 12 '10

haha ocularink, thanks, maybe going to add some helium balloons to the idea

nido Mar. 12 '10

wait for the linen to come out!...

raja Mar. 12 '10

lol I was doing the linen thing with clouds in the background - not gonna happen!

mcdseven Mar. 12 '10

really like this...

grapeape Mar. 13 '10

Aggree that the hands do look odd but is the perspective on the shadow correct?

raja Mar. 14 '10

thanks mcdseven**grapeape, that shadow and the figure were based on natural real life lighting and shadows, however that concept is that of an airplane so that maybe why you question the perspective. Although the angles are from a real setting, the airplane shadow which is conceptual (flight), is not exactly that of the figure.**thanks for looking

raja Mar. 14 '10

upon re-reading, %5E that did not make any sense

zephyr Mar. 14 '10

Very nice, Raja! Interested to see your choice of type for this one.

raja Mar. 14 '10

thanks Chad and zephyr**regarding type...it's going to depend heavily on Chinese translation and the size of the airplane panel I will be working with, which is undetermined at this point**I just love mentioning airplane I think.**did i mention...lol

cerise Mar. 14 '10

Perfect resolution from the brief I reckon

raja Mar. 22 '10

thanks cerise - I'm still trying

alterego Mar. 29 '10

Mr Raja is amazing :)

raja Mar. 30 '10

money sent via paypal alterego, thanks

raja Mar. 31 '10

*This logo got selected for publishing at %22logonest%22:http://www.logonest.com/2010/03/i-can-fly/

ru_ferret Mar. 31 '10

I believe I can fly ) Very interesting, congrats!

raja Apr. 02 '10

thx!**I do not want to hear that song in my head

hanuman shakti Apr. 19 '10

great one....smart! By the way congrats!

sbj May. 12 '10

really hot raja... hw cn i miss this...

raja May. 12 '10

hey thanks guys

jwagnercreative May. 29 '10

wow.. the logo looks amazing and after viewing it I read the description for it.. I would really like to know how you got the chance to design for an opportunity like this one. Congrats again.. One day I hope a logo designed by myself ends up on something as grand as a Boeing airbus lol

raja Jun. 01 '10

thanks jwagner!**The company approached me (one of the pilots) and asked if I would be interested in designing a logo for them on a tight budget. I said yes I would, but only if it will be displayed on a plane. They agreed, and that was that!**You never know what or when opportunities arise.

oski Jul. 18 '10

Nice of course.

raja Jul. 21 '10

thank you guys, I am a fan of both your works

logotivity Aug. 23 '10

This is really great work raja.

mcdseven Aug. 25 '10

surprised this piece never made the gallery, there really is something special about it, it always makes me come back to a have a look.

firebrand Aug. 25 '10

%5EBecause there's no type Paul.

raja Aug. 26 '10

thanks fellas**I think for this (or any logo without lettering for that matter) to make the gallery, it would have to be already in heavy recognition

raja Feb. 28 '11

thank you vasvari

action Mar. 06 '11

very nice, love it :)

cresk Apr. 25 '11

Now that's something cool.

raja Apr. 27 '11

Thanks cresk :)

rudy hurtado Sep. 28 '11

AAAgghhh!!! That suks big time, too close to be only a coincidence.

raja Oct. 04 '11

Thanks s7even, for pointing that out. Looks like it was done by Logo Design Works whom in the past have used my work without permission. I notified them and they were quick to give credit.***See here: **http://www.logodesignworks.com/blog/top-10-urban-logos **...where they used the CityCliq logo in their blog.**This was originally brought to our attention by Jerron via the LP forums, see thread here:**http://pondpad.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id%3D4595**Rudy, hmmm.


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