Combined the uppercase \'M\' and \'L\' letterforms to create 3D style icon.
This logo was chosen for display in LogoLounge 3: 2,000 International Identities by Leading Designers
*edit - thanks for pointing out the typo!
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Lets Discuss
chal fer teek ah
Replyvery nice,i like the way you combined the M with the L.
ReplyOne of the best logo whice I ever admire...
ReplyThis just feels so balanced. Great for state-of-the-art finance concerns.
Replyyeah.. its not bad... for a punjabi!
Replyoye koothiya sala panchoda baar aa
Reply2 years old but still very fresh! Great one Raja!
Replythanks type08 - that's more than 5 years old actually
Replyand it keeps getting fressher lol** %22**and... %22what do you think?
ReplyHave you talked directly to Landor yet ?
ReplyHey Epsilon - no, I have not. Was more curious on what others thought first. However, I have a couple of interviews lined up with some reporters from Australia on the issue, which could be nothing at all.**
ReplyI say know what is about to hit the fan.
Replythere is a quick interview here, I can share %22here%22:*
Replythis dude does not stop, he's been to rip my work before, and now this one gets pointed out to me lol third one down.
Replythis dude does not stop, he's been known to rip my work before, and now this one gets pointed out to me lol third one down.
Replyoh no!... %26 now someone's ripping of %26 duplicating your comments!... the horror!
ReplyWatch this space for 'E' and 'W' versions!
Replynido come one dude, there is a difference in those comments, you need to look a little closer**lol@firebrand**I OWN THE ALPHABET**k thx bye
ReplyAre you telling me that Luka ripped you off? Sorry, Raj, for some reason, i am finding it hard to believe. Misipile are like an icon in logo design world (at least that's how i felt when i first saw their portfolio many years ago... i am eager to find out the other side of the story, but can easily predict that it was a case of %22great minds%22 and such, considering the amount of work/logos/clients/projects you both have under your belt... Oh, and i believe that this %22dude%22 is also on pond (misipile)
Replyyeah he did - he has apologized in the past - this one I just saw today - he even used my exact same page title, so believe it and ask him logoholik. I have known him for 7 years.
Reply@ logoholik, you've been a little testy and feisty these last few days. What's up?
Replyi was wondering the same thing mike
ReplyYeah, i know :) been on vacation recently, and when i came back, i felt a lot of hate and negative energy lately here and shifted my self in classic !image!
Replylol at logoholik..what do they say after vacation again?... 'I came back by plane but my spirit is coming by ship%22
ReplyNice work, buddy.
Replythanks Pierro
ReplySimple and stylish idea!
ReplySMH ...
never ending story...
Reply^ that was a good movie
ReplyCD, just saw the millenium films logo pop up before a movie..
ReplyI remember when Relativity Media was using a copy of (some comments are missing there) but I was sort of accused of ripping off their logo when the fact was the opposite. I called them and never saw them use the logo again lol
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