Norah Jones

by • Uploaded: Jul. 26 '06


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Description: using the N and J letters, I tried to create an impossible elegance.
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Viewed: 10254

Lets Discuss

moverdrive Sep. 23 '07

I know this is old news, but having looked at your stuff for awhile, this is one of the best things you've done. Genius.**

raja Sep. 24 '07

Thanks. Yhis was for a CD cover long time ago - the theme given to me was 'enigmatic' - it never did get approved, so perhaps you guys are right on this not suiting her.

ChrisG Nov. 20 '07

...clap, clap, clap

stevenf Jul. 14 '08

I hope you get a chance to repurpose this for something else, because it's very cool. If you get something with a %22PJ%22 or a %22PU%22 abbreviation, use this, because I see %22PJ%22 or %22PU%22 more than %22NJ.%22 Nice work!

chng! Sep. 18 '08

Dang when i see this logo i cant say nice things, i just curse

raja Sep. 23 '08

thanks for the comments !

azdesign Sep. 08 '10

Great idea! and nice execution

rudy hurtado Aug. 31 '11

This is SO smart Raja, not surprised though!


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