This is an ambigram. It can be read the same way when inverted 180 degrees. This concept was used to stress the 'link' aspect of the name. This was designed in 2002
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Client work
Lets Discuss
hey man this is awsome! i was just browsing through your showcase %26... BAM!!! %3B)
Replythanks for the respects guys!
Replythanks Houston - means a lot from coming from you. Just like it does from any one eslse.**Logos are for the masses and not designers.
ReplySo good.
Replythanks cseven :) - you can also see it in LogoLounge vol 3
ReplyYeah - I have seen it there. Nice : )
ReplyThis logo just got selected to be published in the %22LogoNest 01 book%22:
Replythis guy takes understanding of branding and creativity to a complete new dimension..always liked this logo...congrats...raja veree...:p
Replywell done raja, logo is still as fresh as it was in 06.
Reply%5E BTW who's running that site?
ReplyJust curious, feel it has some affiliation here.
ReplyYeah, the lack of LogoNest's transparency is a bit troubling. Not sure why they (he?) don't want to disclose who's running the project. Perhaps there _is_ some curious affiliation there...
Replythank you**interesting, they do seem a bit running a bit incognito
Replyto be honest... does anyone know anyone running sites?... to begin with anyway... I didnt know who ran this site for a long while... I guess my initial %22hhmm%22 with logonest however was whether they really had a book deal or was it a ploy to get designers involved....
Replyfunny you mentioned this, but I left a comment and my avatar showed up with a version of my logo I had on Typhophile.... was surprised to see that.
Reply%5Ethey know where you live :%ACs
Reply%5Eactually my mistake... that avatar is from an old account on this site mcdsix** **Good! if they are paying me a visit they better coming bearing gifts like that nice 16.99 dollar mynest sketch pad, or I'll be setting me dogs on them.
Reply@ClimaxDesigns...**Was there talk of doing something similar here? bringing out a book that is...
Replylol... Its true... I wasnt really looking too hard... %26 I always wondered who the guy with the greeny/yellow comments box was too...
Reply@climax - try looking at on an uncalibrated monitor... like the one on my laptop. The background of admin comments looks exactly the same as that of the regular ones. Only if I look at it at a steep angle the difference becomes noticeable.
Replymcdseven, let's push David on that book idea some more, like they say...if you want something done, ask someone who's busy :D
ReplyI think the selection could be fairly easy - just pick up club 50, 40 or 30 (depending on the volume of logos in book). I am sure there are few printers/publishers willing to hope in. Advertising shouldn't be the problem, logopond already has a lot of coverage, and i am sure the first run can be sold out and bought upfront in no time by designers here...
ReplyOh, and Raja, this magnificent piece just entered club 50 :)
Reply%5EDAVID if you are reading this can we have a discussion on the forums about possible getting this going? I know this was probably discussed before and its probably the last thing on your mind right now, but it would be some gig to get done.
ReplyWe will now use this Raja's piece to discuss the book... It will gain more than 100... And definitely get into the book! %3B) Smart move Rajaman! %3B)
ReplyTo add... LOGOPOND BOOK IS A MUST! IT WAS A MUST LIKE 2 YEARS AGO! AND IT IS A MUST MUST TODAY! End of discussion... The rest of the moves is 'only' to find the way how to get things done IMO, question of the book is not a question at all... :)
ReplyI think the selection process should be what ever is or was in the gallery, would you guys refine it to just working logos or for fun / I was in whatever mood logos? Or to be fair logos with over 20/30 floats. **Anyway I'll set up a thread in the forums please guys respond.
Replydoes this count as a float?**
Reply%5Ethat counts a 3 floats
Replyha - they are cuttin it close
Reply%5Egreat stuff! have been notified via email today.
Reply%5E Man, your logos get around...if ya know what I'm sayin.
Replyraja, that is wonderful ambigram!
Replyocularink, lol, I'm not the only one being loghoe'd**thanks myway999
ReplyGood lord, they really did a number on your design. Sad. Not only did they rip it, but...they effectively massacred it as well. Looks repulsive now, not as graceful as the original you made. Plus. it looks like they used some crazy flash template. Bad English too%3B they sound ignorant. Too bad. **They're still using the logo as of today%3B they didn't take it down. **I'd sue the hell out of them, if I were you. If you've got those resources, that is. Good luck!
ReplySuperb typo!
Replyat JF, haha yea, I hear you. Can't be bothered these days..I say wait till they are big, then get them.**Thanks oski!
Replythank you graphiste
ReplyHow did i miss this one? Fantastic work my man.
Replythanks mabu - I almost typed your twitter ID haha
ReplyHa maybe - I was just making word-art those days - but thanks
Replythanks NotoriousDesign!
ReplyI love how your eye is able to read %22EDGE%22 without so much as a hiccup. A good ambigram is hard to pull off. Kudos sir.
ReplyThank you Jedah
Replymax awesomeness!
Replythanks T%26S
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