Michael Roth

by • Uploaded: Jul. 22 '06 - Gallerized: Jul. '06


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Description: m and r combo ******** edited based on everyones feedback, the original can me seen on my site http://rajasandhu.com/ thanks!
As seen on: http://rajasandhu.com/
Status: Nothing set
Viewed: 11668

Lets Discuss

Gelbdesign Aug. 24 '07

one of my favorit logos :)

raja Aug. 26 '07

reflections are overdone sometimes - sometimes they work maybe not so much so in this one**thanks again Gelbdesign

raja Nov. 26 '08

I was watching the beginning of HellBoy 2 and noticed they finally changed their logo.

raja Feb. 13 '12

This was a good example of how one phone call - and not even to speaking to anyone - leaving a voicemail informing them of the infringement, led to a media mogul, Relativity Media, changing their logo.


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