Impossible Is Nothing

by • Uploaded: Jul. 22 '06


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Description: using an impossible to produce 3d shape to convey message >> impossible is nothing
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Viewed: 6830

Lets Discuss

epsilon Dec. 06 '08

This shape is actually not that impossible at all. It's a volumized version of 3D Mebius strip and it's quite easy to fabricate.

epsilon Dec. 06 '08

Also, not sure if this is related to Adidas, but %22impossible is nothing%22 is their new (and much promoted) slogan.

raja Feb. 04 '11

%5E was related to Adidas, Epsilon. I can say it now.**It was a proposal for Fauja Singh and his campaign with Adidas, he is a Punjabi %5Blike me :)%5D marathon runner at 99 years of age.

raja Aug. 12 '11

winger.. yes, not an entirely unique form


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