WSU West Center

by • Uploaded: Aug. 01 '11 - Gallerized: Sep. '11


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Description: T-shirt design for Weber State University's West Center. The center is an off-shoot of the main campus, and is located further west, in a fairly rural area populated by a lot of farmers and cowboys.
Status: Unused proposal
Viewed: 10253

Lets Discuss

nickhood Aug. 01 '11

Nice one, Sam. I'm nit picking here, but i think it could use a slightly lighter background and scaled down a little bit.

designtofeel Aug. 01 '11

Thanks Nick. How's it look now? I don't want to go too small or else the detail will deteriorate.

atomicvibe Aug. 04 '11

I love line art like this. LOVE IT.

designtofeel Aug. 04 '11

Thanks Jon. It was super fun to do.

nickhood Aug. 04 '11

Nice job on those changes, Sam. Its perfect!

logomotive Sep. 05 '11

This is looking great. The one little detail and I'm being nit picky here is. The horizontal shading lines are kinda competing with the roundness of center and banners. I would suggest creating more circular shading lines and keep the sharp highlight effect as you have it. In other words just make the Lines on star points follow contour of circle and banners.Hope it makes sense. regardless very nice and clean.

logomotive Sep. 05 '11

I would also recommend starting the inside line where it meets circle and ending at ball points, spacing accordingly. Details UGHH

designtofeel Sep. 05 '11

I hear ya, Mike. Those are all great suggestions. Unfortunately, this got rejected. Still pretty excited for the gallery though.

logomotive Sep. 05 '11

My Bad. You had actively seeking critiques checked.

designtofeel Sep. 05 '11

No, my bad, I forgot to change the status. Regardless of what they say though, I'm always interested to hear what people have to say. Thanks for your comments.

bedemand Sep. 06 '11

Nice.. I like the old style :)

logo design. Sep. 06 '11

Indeed thats an old style, but great anyway!

vergad Sep. 07 '11

yeah nice one sam, this is also great.

shadzxiii Aug. 15 '12

I like that. West Sherif Star = Awesome


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