
by • Uploaded: Aug. 17 '11 - Gallerized: Aug. '11


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Description: Still very much a WIP. What do you think of the wrought iron filigree? Too much? Too little? I envisioned this being a logo for a local microbrewery that has a long, rich history crafting fine beers.
Status: Just for fun
Viewed: 6936

Lets Discuss

logoturn Aug. 17 '11

This is nice. i think the filigree is good..good balance. by only nitpicks is that i thought the font was a touch too mundane, (Morgan), and i would have liked to see some small hint at the construction of the beer itself. hops etc..

designtofeel Aug. 17 '11

Thanks Gregory, good thoughts. I actually had the idea of putting a hops icon in here somewhere. Maybe I'll revisit it.

Sean Heisler Aug. 17 '11

I like it, Sam. Simple, clean and elegant.

designtofeel Aug. 17 '11

Sean, Colin, thanks for the kind words.

atomicvibe Aug. 17 '11

I like it, Sam.**Just a thought%3B feel free to raise your middle finger to this:**What if you really took the wrought iron thing and ran with it, and worked out a solution whereby the type looks like it's connected to its frame?**To give you an example of what I mean, here's the front of a flyer I did several years ago. I really went crazy with the flourishes - not suggesting that you do the same - but check the connectivity of the type:***Not sure if a similar approach may be taking things too far, since you have a nice simplicity going on, but just figured I'd throw it out there.

Bernd Aug. 17 '11

hi Sam, how is that beer ... very nice design ... I would spend a bit of time to make the Morgan type more unique ... but lovely little piece of art

designtofeel Aug. 17 '11

Hey thanks Jon and Bernd for your compliments and suggestions. I'll definitely spend more time on this.

nrcreative Aug. 20 '11

Really loving the simplistic style of this mark! Great job

321visual Aug. 22 '11

ooh...that's beautiful

designtofeel Aug. 22 '11

Thanks guys. I've got a new and improved version here:

epicantus Aug. 22 '11

Beautiful logo! Very clean and nice!


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