So, city branding has got to be one of the most difficult design jobs I've ever done, especially for my home town of South Ogden. This is one of my concepts that I'm pretty happy with so far. Trying to keep it really simple, but still interesting. This is an SO monogram, with the S occupying the "southern" end of the O. What do you think? Definitely looking for critiques here.
Unused proposal
Lets Discuss
Thanks for the gallery spot, Bart (assuming it was you).
ReplyThanks, Marcin. I'm not sure I see the issue you're referring to. The S in the mark is pulled from the same font as the type, so I'd have to change both. I may play with it a bit.
Replythe point where " S" and " O " are connected together its a bit not good for the eye, mabye making the bottom of "S" more round , to fit better with O.
ReplyBtw i like this logo very much
And i think marcin had the same opinion to
ReplyI think maybe there's some optical illusion that I'm not seeing, but I can rework it a bit. The curvature of the O definitely goes down through the bottom of the circle. The S was attached beyond that. I'll keep working on it, though. Thanks, Sam.
ReplyHi guys, thanks for your thoughts. I made some tiny edits and uploaded a few variations on this piece. Please let me know what you think.
ReplyI brought the whole S up a few pixels so the whole thing is no longer a perfect circle, but I think optically it LOOKS more like a perfect circle. I also changed the star and the end of the line. Both old and new are here so you can toggle between the two to see the subtle differences.
Nice update.
ReplyThank you Radek.
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