SO 2

by • Uploaded: Jan. 21 '15


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Description: Another option for South Ogden. Still very much a WIP. The concept here is to illustrate the landscape of the city. There's a hidden S in the shape of the river, and a bit of an O in the circular shape. The two rectangular shapes are large water towers that have been around for a long time. Basically, they are the only iconic image of the city. One of the minor challenges I'm feeling with an option like this is the number of colors used. Generally, I prefer logos to be 3 colors max for printing purposes and simplicity. Anybody dealt with this issue? I guess I could make a 2 or three color version for offset printing... thoughts?
Status: Work in progress
Viewed: 4206
Tags: mountain scene river landscape

Lets Discuss

BujarLuboci Jun. 27 '15

Love the flow on the lines


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